K-12 participation in University-level Research

Suggested Citation: Raymond, V., 2022. K-12 participation in University-level Research. In: Alaska Society for Technology in Education 2022. [online] Fairbanks: Convene North. Available at: <https://www.convenenorth.com/aste-gallery-2022> .


Sailboat Retrospective - ASTE (2022)

Sailboat Retrospective

Prompt: What is the “State of Affairs” for K-12 participation in University-level research?

Co-created by:

  • Annie Woods

  • Annaleah Karron

  • Brian Krosschell

  • Dan LaSota

  • Nathan Feemster

  • Janene Mcmahan

  • Vanessa Raymond, Convene North


View Original Jamboard

background Image credit:

undevelopedbruce, V. (2019). Shaking up remote retros. Retrieved 6 February 2022, from https://undevelopedbruce.com/2019/04/29/shaking-up-remote-retros/


submissions to Dear Researcher app

Workshop participants submitted letters to researchers &wanted / missing posters about their research and science needs in K-12 classrooms

Launch app


Defining Success

Prompt: How would we define success for K-12 participation in University-level research?

Co-created by:

  • Brian Krosschell

  • Dan LaSota

  • Deborah Rinio

  • Nathan Feemster

  • Janene Mcmahan

  • John Welkener

  • Madara Mason

  • Shawnel Padilla

  • Vanessa Raymond, Convene North


View Original Jamboard


Hierarchy of Needs

Prompted by the deep conversation that took place over two days, participants asked themselves: What is the hierarchy of effort and support that would make this a sustained ecosystem for K-12 classrooms (educators and students), and university-level research.

co-created by:

  • Dan LaSota

  • Nathan Feemster

  • John Boldosser

  • John Welkener

  • Vanessa Raymond, Convene North


View the original jam board


workshop Slides

View Original, All Rights Reserved

Shortening the Distance” Gallery Exhibit (2022)

Convene North Gallery

Workshop Marginalia


Handwritten notes from the workshop session

View PDF

Poems of sorts, from workshop participant quotes

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Facilitator’s “Dear Researcher” Letter

Letter from Vanessa Raymond to researchers summarizing feedback from the workshop, sent via email on 2/22/2022

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